The American Population Panel Turns 5 Years Old!
June 1 is the American Population Panel’s 5th birthday, and The CHRR at The Ohio State University is celebrating this historic milestone!
"Imagine. Inquire. Inspire. Inform," is the credo that APP staff members live by every day, a motto that fits well inside of the College of Arts and Sciences, which serves as Ohio’s State’s premier laboratory for discovery and creativity.
IMAGINE: During our first five years, we have built a panel with over 45,000 members, a feat we could only have imagined when we started the APP in 2017. And we’re not done yet! If you would like to join the panel, please fill out the APP registration form.
INQUIRE: Since that time, we have helped researchers, faculty, and students inquire about a wide range of topics. For instance, the National Sports and Society Survey used the APP to conduct a nationwide study of over 4,000 respondents that has now spawned numerous publications on the impact of athletics on individuals, families, and communities. Another example: Two surveys on higher education issues provided the raw data for What’s Public About Public Higher Ed?, a 2021 book co-written by Dr. Stephen M. Gavazzi, CHRR Director, and West Virginia University President (and former Ohio State President) E. Gordon Gee, a publication that has laid the groundwork for mending the growing rift between universities and the citizens these institutions were designed to serve.
INSPIRE: The APP has inspired new strategies of recruiting participants for research studies, precisely because we have stimulated scholars from Ohio State and other premier universities across the country to think about new and inventive ways to capture the opinions of an increasingly diverse population. And increasingly, surveys using the APP are the basis for studies that are making headline news on the most cutting edge topics. For instance, as the Coronavirus pandemic swept the country and the world, CHRR undertook a series of COVID-19 surveys to track the disease’s impact, resulting in important information that has been disseminated widely.
INFORM: Since 2017, CHRR at Ohio State has fielded APP surveys that have informed faculty, staff, and students who have been working on no less than 50 projects associated with our panel. And of course, along the way those university representatives have been helping citizens to better understand themselves and each other. We are a diverse country in so many ways, including the diversity of our surface opinions and deep beliefs about so many different contemporary topics.
But we do not want to rest on our laurels! For that reason, we’re looking forward to the next five years of working with an incredible group of research partners, while growing the APP membership to ever greater numbers.
Learn more about the APP, The CHRR at The Ohio State University, and the 55 plus years of expertise in survey science that our staff can bring to your research study.
For more information, please contact Jenifer Hoffman, APP Program Director, at appanel@app.org.