Imagine. Inquire. Inspire. Inform.
The American Population Panel (APP) was launched in the summer of 2017 by CHRR. The APP is a group of volunteer members, 18 years or older living in the United States, who agree to participate in social science and health related studies.
It is a resource used to help researchers target various population subgroups and match potential participants to their studies. By having members already committed to participate, the APP helps researchers get their projects up and running more inexpensively than if they had to recruit people themselves.
The panel has over 55,000 members (as of 11/2024) living in all 50 states and we continually recruit new members in order to provide a diverse demographic makeup for researchers to choose from for their projects. In addition, utilizing the panel offers researchers the exciting opportunity to undertake longitudinal surveys with the same respondents.
Read the Collaborative Public Opinion Survey in Ohio: A Proposal and learn how this initiative can provide awareness of the eight Ohio Earthworks sites by sampling Ohioans in the American Population Panel.
Highlighted projects

NSASS is a landmark survey of almost 4,000 U.S. adults designed by principal investigator Dr. Chris Knoester, associate professor in Sociology (OSU). The study used the American Population Panel for the respondent pool to collect information on sports-related attitudes and the dimensions and contexts of sports involvement experiences. A second wave of the survey was administered in fall of 2024 to respondents who participated in the original survey. Additional information about the survey is located on the NSASS study page.

The U.S. Dads Survey and its corresponding co-parent study were developed by principal investigators at Brigham Young University. The study identifies eligible fathers from the American Population Panel for participation in the main survey and through the fathers, identifies qualifying co-parents for a second survey. The primary objective is to enhance the understanding of the experiences of American fatherhood. Wave 2 of the survey is scheduled to launch in the spring or summer of 2025 to gather longitudinal data from fathers who participated in the initial wave.

Mini Surveys are brief surveys run by the American Population Panel and are used for pilot studies, seed grants, testing survey questions, and student thesis projects. Visit our Mini Survey project page to view a sample of survey topics.