The Ohio Healthy Youth Environments Survey (OHYES!) was a statewide survey of Ohio school students in 7th and 11th grades first conducted in the fall of 2015. OHYES! questions covered far-ranging topics, including:
- Demographics;
- Alcohol, tobacco, and drug use;
- School climate, including bullying;
- Physical and mental health and well-being;
- Parental attitudes and influences;
- Community factors;
- School achievement.
The OHYES! data provided a snapshot of youth health behaviors across the state of Ohio. This snapshot was used to:
- Help school systems access needs and make strategic plans and prioritize;
- Guide educational policy;
- Raise awareness of youth needs;
- Track program goals;
- Provide rationales for program funding.
CHRR provided respondent communications and marketing materials for this student survey, which was a collaborative effort of the Ohio Departments of Education, Health and Mental Health & Addiction Services, Ohio National Guard, and representatives from higher education, juvenile courts, foundations and community service providers.