Purpose of the study
United Way of Central Ohio, in collaboration with its nonprofit partners, serves a wide-ranging community. We believe that ensuring our board members reflect the diversity of the communities we serve will lead to more genuine service and better outcomes.
We are conducting a brief online survey of nonprofit board members, administered by CHRR at The Ohio State University, that aims to assess the current state of diversity within nonprofit boards in Central Ohio. Your input will help shape the future development of leadership roles in nonprofit organizations.
Special Incentive
All boards with at least a 50% completion rate will be entered into a drawing for one of six special grants to your organization! There will be two $2500 grants and four $1000 grants. Complete your survey today and help your organization become eligible for the drawing!
How to participate
Board members should have received an email from their executive director with a link to participate in the survey. If you serve on one or more of the boards affiliated with United Way of Central Ohio and did not receive the survey link but would like to participate, please contact Erin Moore (erin.moore@uwcentralohio.org).
Survey instructions
The survey is voluntary and respondents will remain anonymous. To begin, please click on the link provided in your email to access the consent form and survey. The survey time will vary depending on the number of boards with which you are involved, but it is expected to take approximately 10-15 minutes to complete. The survey will be available from Monday, November 4, to Friday, November 22.
Please note
The survey must be completed in a single session, and it will time out after 120 minutes. If you close the survey before it is completed or it times out, it will not be possible to resume from where you left off, so please plan your time accordingly.
Contact us for assistance or more information
If you encounter any issues with the survey or would like more information, please don’t hesitate to reach out. Contact CHRR at uwboards@chrr.osu.edu or call 888-910-5859 for assistance.