From the CHRR Director’s Desk Issue #10

By Stephen M. Gavazzi, Ph.D.
The Latest News, Views, and Announcements
What’s New at CHRR
As forecasted in a previous newsletter, our Strategic Doing/Strategic Planning efforts were officially launched on January 19thin partnership with Jeff Agnoli, Senior Liaison in the Ohio State University Office of Corporate Partnerships. The CHRR Leadership Team–Amanda Roose, Brittany Poast, Jen Hoffman, Lisa Neilson, Nick Ramser, Rosella Gardecki and me–were joined by Canada Keck, Frank Marino, Josh Hawley and Lucy Herrera in a four-hour session that was conducted on the CHRR premises.

In brief, Strategic Doing provided us with a series of steps that guided us through a process that began with the question “What could we do?” together as organizational members. A list of all possibilities (too numerous to mention here) was generated from that brainstorming session, which then was filtered through a second and third question: “What should we do?” and “What will we do?” The CHRR team settled on 4 strategic opportunities for further deliberation, including:
- Building secure data spaces and data enclaves for researchers
- Creating a community of practice focused on survey research and the use of administrative data (longitudinal and otherwise)
- Creating a user-friendly version of Survey Suite
- Developing a Maker Space focused on survey research
The fourth and final step in the Strategic Doing process that day involved answering the question: “What is our 30/30?” Here, the idea was to delineate exactly when we were going to get back together (typically set every 30 days) to talk about what we've learned and how we would adjust our direction based on any lessons learned, followed by setting a course for the next 30 days. Our first 30/30 meeting will take place next week (February 22nd) and a second follow-up meeting has been scheduled for March 29th. All these meetings will lay the groundwork for our next four-hour Strategic Doing session with Jeff Agnoli, which is on the calendar for April 10th.
CHRR's Leadership Team
Also noted in the last newsletter was the coincidence of our Strategic Doing/Strategic Planning efforts and the next round of Quarterly Check-In (QCI) meetings. CHRR Leadership Team members have been discussing the various ways that the 4 strategic opportunities discussed above can be folded into the next QCI meetings that are being scheduled for April. In turn, this has led to conversations surrounding the need to do some asset mapping in terms of skill sets that CHRR employees can apply to the already named (as well as future) strategic opportunities. Leadership Team members will be bringing elements of all these conversations into the next round of QCI meetings. Stay tuned!
Things You Might Want to Know
Presentations of Research Projects Using the American Population Panel
Several Ohio State researchers who have employed the American Population Panel (APP) in their survey work were recently featured together as a panel presentation given at the 2023 College of Education and Human Ecology’s Research Forum. The February 16th event featured Dean Lillard, professor of Consumer Sciences, who presented an economic model of nicotine demand in estimating cigarette and e-cigarette demand, as well as Allen Mallory and Autumn Bermea, both assistant professors of Human Development and Family Science, who presented their work on the Diversity of LGBTQ+ Experiences survey.
In addition, CHRR Special Projects representative Jen Hoffman and Justin Smith staffed a table at the EHE Research Forum in service to publicizing the availability of the APP to EHE researchers. This was a very busy day for Jen and Justin and followed a similar opportunity they took advantage of one day earlier. As part of the “International Love Data Week” festivities sponsored by Ohio State University’s Research Commons, Justin and Steve McClaskie took part in the Data Distributor Fair held in the 18th Avenue Library Building. Many thanks to Kelsey Badger, Research Data Librarian and assistant professor at The Ohio State University Libraries, for the invitation to be present at this event.